Starting Somewhere Seeing

                    I got a camera from a loved one when I was little. It was exciting to see the new Polaroid camera.  1980's nostalgia of craving futurism and something not known. A wide-eyed only child in her imagination. I could hold the film in my hands. And the moment when the film developed, you got a surprise of a frozen glimpse in the square frame. A process of seeing over time. At first, the film is blank. You slowly you began to see figures, and finally color starts to fill in. Similar to my life. Your start off blank. Or so you think. Eventually, you may have to restart your shot again. I now hold the film. It is time to start capturing pictures. Now, everything is digital, instant frames so readily available. You can change what you see too with photoshop and many effects. Fantasy is at our finger tips. I will choose to start this journey still developing new visions. Dressing up in new tech tools and applying classic techniques. I am patient. I look forward to these new creations for the eyes.


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